Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Know the Different Real Estate Legal Forms

Before, real estate transactions were not written. Landlords a tenants, buyers and sellers, made their agreements verbally, accepting their words as a solemn promise. But today, with the advancement of technology, real estate transactions are a lot more different.

Although there are some simple and small agreements and contracts that can still be legal, it is necessary to use printed contracts and agreements to put every case legally and avoid unwanted cases.

Appropriately worded documents should be properly protected for all parties involved and should explain clearly all the rights and obligation of each. Sometimes, a legal case may occur that will require the creation of an informal document that will show the obligation and stipulations of the parties involved.

Anyone with a little knowledge can prepare such documents but the question now is, how can you tell difference between what is legal and what is not.

It is a fact that most legal documents prepared by lawyers are complex and difficult to understand. With the goal to allow common people a simple and straightforward verbiage, real estate legal forms were introduced.

These are appropriate for the vast majority of users, helping them to go through their filing of real estate matters easily, even without the help of an attorney. It is true that legal situations may sometimes require service of an attorney. But you can save much of your money thru these legal forms.

You can find very useful real estate legal forms in the internet. They are designed to provide personal protection, prevent misunderstandings, and evade from liabilities regarding real estate matters. The goal is to provide people access to the most useful forms needed by landlords, tenants, and property owners.

Most of these real estate forms are freely available online can be immediately be downloaded in different types of format such as MS Word, PDF, and Text.

All real estate legal forms need to be drafted to comply with the laws of different states. Generally, standardized forms are not acceptable and many free forms are also not valid. That is why it is important to find the right and valid real estate legal forms that will work under your state such as deeds, contracts, liens, and many others.

Below are some of the most popular real estate legal forms:

• Home Sale Package

– This complete package includes the contracts, disclosures and other necessary forms.

• Offer to Purchase

– Most people use this as an initial attempt to approach a seller about the property.

• Deeds

– Warranty forms, Quitclaims, etc –forms like these are state-specific since each state have special and unique statutes and governing laws regarding how deeds should be done. These deed forms are designed to comply with the laws of different states.

• Landlord Tenant Forms

– These are forms regarding all the necessary cases that apply to landlord to tenant conditions.

• Purchase Contracts

– Residential and Commercial – This is comprised of contracts for the sale of real estate such as commercial, residential, lots and others. Addendums and other contracts are included including the seller’s disclosure forms.

• Promissory Notes on Real Estate

– These are promissory notes offered for any real estate transactions. Various different notes are also included such as fixed rate notes.

• Contract for Deed

– This is usually used as a substitute means of financing the purchase price of property.

• Mortgages (Satisfaction/Assignment)

– Either you are assigning a mortgage or deed of trust and satisfy them after they are paid this real estate legal forms are the solution.

There are many other legal forms on real estate that you can find on the internet. All you have to do is find the appropriate forms that apply on the state where you are residing.

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